NA Proposes to Withdraw Invitation to the EU for 28J Elections

May 14, 2024 Hour: 8:02 pm

The National Assembly (NA) of Venezuela approved a draft agreement in repudiation of the renewal of unilateral coercive measures against the country by the European Union (EU) and proposed to the Electoral Branch the withdrawal of the invitation to observers of that block for the presidential elections of July 28.

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During the ordinary session of this Tuesday, the president of the AN, deputy Jorge Rodriguez, rejected the position of the EU that, on the eve, reported the lifting of sanctions to the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Elvis Amoroso, and other officials related to the entity.

Rodriguez proposed to propose in writing, with the agreement of the entire NA, “to the Electoral Power to be used to cancel the invitation made to the Electoral Observation Mission of the European Union”.

“My concrete proposal is that we send a letter signed by the board of directors of the National Assembly to the worthy, courageous President of the National Electoral Council, Elvis Amoroso, asking him to withdraw the invitation made to the European Union by rude, rogues, illegal, illegitimate,” he emphasized.

He also said that the EU “do not forgive us freedom, do not forgive us to be independent, do not forgive that a man of 1.47 height defeated the most powerful army that knew the entire planet at that time”.

“We are not forgiven for rebellion, dignity, stubbornness and such barbaric acts are allowed,” he said.

On the eve, the president of the CNE read a statement to categorically reject “the pretensions of the European Union to coerce me, as well as the Electoral Power, trying to appear before international public opinion that they are proceeding to the lifting of coercive and unilateral sanctions imposed on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela”.

Amoroso urged the EU and other countries, such as the United States (USA) and the United Kingdom, to lift all unilateral coercive measures imposed against the South American nation.

Autor: teleSUR/ CC

Fuente: teleSUR-vtv

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